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Italian courses for beginners

Italienisch Anfängerkurse in Luzern

Learn Italian step by step

Would you like to learn Italian from scratch? Then a beginner's course at SmartTalk is just right for you.

Our Italian beginners' courses give you a quick and practical introduction to the Italian language. Our course instructors from Italy will teach you the basic vocabulary and the most important grammar in a simple way. You will soon be able to communicate in simple sentences.


The beginners' courses are held in small groups with a maximum of eight people. This gives you plenty of opportunities to practise your pronunciation and improve your oral skills.

In SmartTalk's Italian courses, you will learn everyday Italian and be taught by native speakers.

The varied lessons, learning in small groups and the pleasant atmosphere in our course rooms in Lucerne's old town make learning Italian a motivating experience.

In our courses, we place great emphasis on building up your oral skills so that you will be able to use and communicate in Italian after just a short time.

Course details

Italian beginner's courses in Lucerne

Course content

  • In the beginners' course you will build up your basic Italian vocabulary.

  • You will learn the basic grammar.

  • Our course instructors will teach you the most important rules of Italian pronunciation.

  • You will learn how to express yourself orally and in writing through various exercises.

  • Our course instructors will teach you the language, but also give you an insight into the culture and life in Italy.

Course structure

Our Italian courses for beginners usually consist of two 45-minute lessons per week. A beginners' course lasts around six months.
As a beginner, you start in the first module of an Italian A1 intermediate course. Following a beginner course, you can attend modules 2 and 3 to complete level A1.

Course price

One 45-minute lesson in our Italian beginner courses costs CHF 19.50. The course costs vary depending on the duration of the course. You can find the exact course price in our course finder. If you join a course later, the course costs are reduced proportionately. In addition to the course price, we charge for the course book at current market prices.

Course location

Our courses are held in a central location in Lucerne's old town. Our premises are easily accessible on foot, by public transport or with your own vehicle.

Course material

In class, you will work with an interactive course book and workbook (not included in the course).

Previous knowledge

As you start at the very beginning of our Italian beginners' courses, no previous knowledge is necessary.


What our customers say

Personal assistance

Do you have any questions about our courses or would you like to register for a trial lesson?

We will be happy to advise you in person at reception, on the phone or by email.

041 220 23 19

Reception: Töpferstrasse 10, 6004 Lucerne, 1st floor

Help for Italian courses

Book an Italian course for beginners


Learn Italian at all levels

Do you already have previous knowledge of Italian?

At SmartTalk we also offer Italian courses for advanced learners. You can find all the information about these courses on our main page for Italian.




Töpferstrasse 10

Hertensteinstrasse 9

6004 Luzern

MO 8:30 - 18:15

DI   8:30 - 18:15

MI   8:30 - 18:15

DO 8:30 - 18:15

FR  8:30 - 17:00 

Neugasse 7

6300 Zug

MO 9:00 - 12:00  14:00 - 17:30

DI   Geschlossen

MI   9:00 - 12:00  14:00 - 17:30

DO  9:00 - 12:00  14:00 - 17:30

FR  Geschlossen 

​+41 41‭ ‬220‭ ‬23‭ ‬19

© 2021 SmartTalk

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