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Sprachkurse und Computerkurse in Zug

Language and
computer courses
in Zug

Location Zug

SmartTalk Sprachschule und Computerschule Zug

At Smarttalk in Zug, you can expect a wide range of language courses: German, English and French. Whether for vacation, career or interest - we have the right course for you. We also offer PC and grammar courses as well as other further education opportunities.

Neugasse 7

6300 Zug

News from SmartTalk in Zug

Learn German B2 in Zug

Power German B2
Semi Mon + Wed
8:45 - 11:00

Perfect course to learn German in the morning.

Englisch B2 Konversation üben in Zug

English B2 conversation Tuesday 20:00 - 21:30

Practise English in interesting conversations.

Business Englisch B2 Kurs in Zug

Business English B2 Monday 18:30 - 20:00

Improve English for your job and career.

Overview of our offers

Here you will find an overview of our offers. For more details, you are welcome to visit our corresponding course pages.

SmartTalk computer courses in Zug

Computer courses

From beginner-friendly basic courses to advanced Word or Excel courses, you will find the right computer course at Smarttalk.

Free courses with an education voucher in Zug.jpg

Basic skills

Whether you want to improve your reading and writing skills or take your first steps with a computer, you can take free courses with the education voucher.

Besser jetzt Logo WIX.png
Besser jetzt Logo WIX.png
Besser jetzt Logo WIX.png

Private lessons with an education voucher

Better reading and writing

Improve your reading and writing skills in German and master your everyday life better.

Learn how to use a computer and get an introduction to the most important programs.

Gain more confidence
in dealing with numbers and calculations.

Improved computer skills

Better math

Language learning with a private teacher

Private lessons

Learn at your own pace and specifically what you need. Flexible in terms of time and with personal language experts.

Further offers

Placement test for German, English and French

Placement tests

Determine your language level in 10 minutes with our free placement tests.

Company courses in Zug

Company courses

Increase the efficiency and satisfaction of your employees with language and computer courses for companies that are tailored to your needs. Discover our wide range of courses that promote teamwork, support integration and strengthen intercultural skills.

Rent a central meeting room in Zug

Room rental

Rent our rooms for meetings, presentations, coaching sessions or discussions.
The SmartTalk premises are centrally located in Zug's old town (10 minutes from Zug railroad station) and can be booked at attractive conditions.

Book a language course in Zug

Book a computer course in Zug




Töpferstrasse 10

Hertensteinstrasse 9

6004 Luzern

MO 8:30 - 18:15

DI   8:30 - 18:15

MI   8:30 - 18:15

DO 8:30 - 18:15

FR  8:30 - 17:00 

Neugasse 7

6300 Zug

MO 9:00 - 12:00  14:00 - 17:30

DI   Geschlossen

MI   9:00 - 12:00  14:00 - 17:30

DO  9:00 - 12:00  14:00 - 17:30

FR  Geschlossen 

​+41 41‭ ‬220‭ ‬23‭ ‬19

© 2021 SmartTalk

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